Hair Lowlights

Hair Lowlights

Turning back the clock …. with hair lowlights

It feels aging to have ‘Artic Blonde’, ‘Titanium’, ‘Natural Bling’ in your hair. When hair loses its pigment it becomes white. Some people call it grey. The effects of lots of white hairs in your lovely white hairlocks can be shocking. Your hair can look frizzy due to change in texture. It can look thinner because it seems see through. Sometimes white hairs are finer as well. What does a person do in a society where youth is worshiped? No longer does it seem that white hairs appear to give you wisdom, but they seem to say old. There are a variety of ways to deal with this sometimes startling situation.

One very effective low maintenance way to make your hair and in turn yourself seem to turn back the clock is to do lowlights in your hair. In contrast to highlights which put lighter colours in your hair, lowlights put darker colours back into your hair. Done properly, your friends won’t even know you have done anything with your colour. There will be no regrowth and your hair looks thicker and the colour compliments your skin tone so your reflection in the mirror looks and feels lowlights

The process of low lighting your hair to soften the effects of too much white and still keep it natural looking is meticulous and sometimes time consuming. Individual hairs are weaved off the head and put in foils to process the darker colour. It is extremely important to have the correct amount of hair lowlights as well. A natural consistent look is best. Often it is best idea is to have highlights and lowlights applied at the same time which creates a look where your whites become blended in with the highlights and lowlights. If you have thinned hair it is vitally important that the foils are done properly to keep you hair colour looking natural.

hair lowlightsZebedeez Hair Design is an ART, hair colouring is a specialty. Lee takes great care in spending time in consultation with clients to determine what the desired effect will be. With over 25 years of being a colourist she has developed techniques that can create colour that compliments your skin tone and eye colour as well as your hair cut. Lee does natural looking highlights/lowlights, noticeable ones and high fashion Avante Garde colouring as well. Products we use at Zebedeez provide optimum condition, coverage and longevity to your colours.

Lee and Ray also specialize in dealing with thinning hair, colours, and extensions. If you have any questions or concerns about getting a haircut, style or hair lowlights, please visit Lee or Ray at Zebedeez Hair Salon,1115 Hammond Street, Carstairs, Alberta or call 403-337-8600.

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